updated on 2006-October-27(Fri)
Agenda of the 1st J-PARC PAC meeting
Fri 30 June - Sun 02 July, 2006
Friday 30 June 2006
Open Session (09:00-10:45)
- 09:00 Charge to the Committee
F. Takasaki (KEK)
[pdf file]
- 09:30 J-PARC Overview
S. Nagamiya (KEK)
[pdf file]
- 10:00 Status of J-PARC Accelerator
Y. Yamazaki (KEK)
[pdf file]
- 10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Proposal Presentation (11:15-16:00)
- 11:00 P03:
Measurement of X rays from Ξ- Atom
K. Tanida (Kyoto U.)
[pdf file]
- 11:30 P05:
Spectroscopic Study of Ξ-Hypernucleus,
via the 12C(K-,K+) Reaction
T. Nagae (KEK)
[pdf file]
- 12:00 --- Lunch Break ---
- 13:30 P07:
Systematic Study of Double Strangeness System
with an Emulsion-Counter Hybrid Method
K. Nakazawa (Gifu U.)
[pdf file]
- 14:00 P10:
Study on Λ-Hypernuclei with the Charge-Exchange Reactions
A. Sakaguchi (Osaka U.)
[pdf file]
- 14:30 P13:
Gamma-ray spectroscopy of light hypernuclei
H. Tamura (Tohoku U.)
[pdf file]
- 15:00 P18:
Coincidence Measurement of the Weak Decay of
and the three-body weak interaction process
H. Bhang (Seoul National U.)
[pdf file]
- 15:30 --- Tea Break ---
Closed Session (16:00-18:30)
Feasibility Report
Referee's comments on Hypernucleus Experiments
Saturday 01 July 2006
Proposal Presentation (09:00-16:00)
- 09:00 P01:
Proposal on measurements of the spin rotation parameters A and R at the J-PARC
in the resonance region of p-N elastic scattering
V. Sumachev (NPI, Petersburg)
[pdf file]
- 09:30 P04:
Measurement of High-Mass Dimuon Production at the 50-GeV Proton Synchrotron
J.C. Peng (U. Illinois)
[pdf file]
- 10:00 P06:
Measurement of T-violating Transverse Muon Polarization in
K+→π0μ+ν Decays
J. Imazato (KEK)
[pdf file]
- 10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
- 11:00 P11:
Tokai-to-Kamioka (T2K) Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiment Proposal
K. Nishikawa (KEK)
[pdf file]
- 11:30 P14:
Proposal for
Experiment at J-Parc
T. Yamanaka (Osaka U.)
[pdf file]
- 12:00 --- Lunch Break ---
- 14:00 P15:
A search for deeply-bound kaonic nuclear states
by in-flight 3He(K-,n) reaction
M.Iwasaki (RIKEN)
[pdf file]
- 14:30 P16:
Electron pair spectrometer at the J-PARC 50-GeV PS to explore the chiral symmetry in QCD
S. Yokkaichi (RIKEN)
[pdf file]
- 15:00 P17:
Precision spectroscopy of Kaonic Helium 3 3d -> 2p X-rays
R.S. Hayano (U. Tokyo)
[pdf file]
- 15:30 P19:
High-resolution Search for Θ+
Pentaquark in
π-p → K-X Reactions
M. Naruki (RIKEN)
[pdf file]
- 16:00 --- Tea Break ---
Closed Session (16:00-18:30)
Feasibility Report
Referee's comments
Sunday 02 July 2006
Closed Session (09:00-12:00)