Letters of Intent
Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments
at the J-PARC
Agenda of the 2nd NPFC Meeting (June 26-28, 2003, KEK) [ in pdf file ]
A Summary of Requested Beam Lines (revised: June 2003) [ in pdf file ]
Title and Contact person(s):
- L01:
Measurements of the spin rotation parameters
A and R in the resonance region of
elastic scattering
Contact persons: V.V. Sumachev, S.P. Kruglov, I.V. Lopatin (PNPI, Russia)
[pdf file (117Kbytes)]
- L02:
Test-beam Facilities at J-PARC
Contact person: S. Komamiya (U. Tokyo, Japan)
[pdf file (32Kbytes)]
- L03:
SPIN@J-PARC, Analyzing power
in 50 GeV very-high-P⊥2
proton-proton elestic scattering
Contact person: A.D. Krisch (U. Michigan, USA)
[pdf file (1.16Mbytes)]
- L04:
Study of the Rare Decay
with Stopped Kaon Beam at J-PARC
Contact person: T. Komatsubara (KEK, Japan)
[pdf file (1.25Mbytes)]
- L05:
Measurement of the
Branching Ratio
Contact person: T. Inagaki (KEK, Japan)
[pdf file (480Kbytes)]
- L06:
New Generation Spectroscopy of Hadron Many-Body Systems
with Strangeness S = -2 and -1
Contact person: K. Imai (Kyoto, Japan)
[pdf file (2.11Mbytes)]
- L07:
Hyperon-Proton Scattering Experiments at the 50-GeV PS
Contact person: M. Ieiri (KEK, Japan)
[pdf file (0.99Mbytes)]
- L08:
High-Resolution Reaction Spectroscopy of S=-1 Hypernuclei
Contact person: H. Noumi (KEK, Japan)
[pdf file (1.58Mbytes)]
- L09:
hypernuclei by the double-charge exchange reaction
Contact person: T. Fukuda (Osaka E&C, Japan)
[pdf file (133Kbytes)]
- L10:
Study of Dense Kbar Nuclear Systems
Contact persons: T. Nagae (KEK, Japan), T. Kishimoto (Osaka, Japan), M. Iwasaki (RIKEN, Japan)
[pdf file (4.62Mbytes)]
- L11:
Electron pair spectrometer at the JHF 50-GeV PS to explore the chiral symmetry in QCD
Contact person: S. Yokkaichi (RIKEN, Japan)
[pdf file (165Kbytes)]
- L12:
Neutrino Oscillation Experiment at JHF
Contact person: K. Nishikawa (Kyoto, Japan)
[pdf file (1.91Mbytes)]
- L13:
Hadron Spectroscopy at J-PARC
Contact persons: S. Sawada (KEK, Japan), H. Spinka (ANL, USA)
[pdf file (139Kbytes)]
- L14:
Construction of a High Momentum Beam Line at the 50-GeV Proton Synchrotron
Contact person: S. Sawada (KEK, Japan)
[pdf file (247Kbytes)]
- L15:
Physics of High-Mass Dimuon Production at the 50-GeV Proton Synchrotron
Contact persons: J.C. Peng (U. Illinois, USA), S. Sawada (KEK, Japan)
[pdf file (738Kbytes)]
- L16:
Study the Kaon Decay physics at JHF
Contact person: C. Rangacharyulu (U. Saskatchewan, Canada)
[pdf file (96.6Kbytes)]
- L17:
An Improved Muon (g-2) Experiment at J-PARC
Contact person: B.L. Roberts (Boston, USA)
[pdf file (1.29Mbytes)]
- L18:
Energy Dependence of Intermediate-Mass Fragment Angular-Distribution
Contact person: T. Murakami (Kyoto, Japan)
[pdf file (142Kbytes)]
- L19:
Search for T-violation in
Contact persons: Yu. Kudenko (INR, Russia), J. Imazato (KEK, Japan)
[pdf file (238Kbytes)]
- L20:
Precise Measurement of the
Branching Ratio
Contact person: S. Shimizu (Osaka, Japan)
[pdf file (196Kbytes)]
- L21:
Precise Measurement of the Nonmesonic Weak Decay of
A=4, 5
Λ Hypernuclei
Contact person: S. Ajimura (Osaka, Japan)
[pdf file (115Kbytes)]
- L22:
Search for a Permanent Muon Electric Dipole Moment at the
10-24 ecm Level
Contact persons: J.P. Miller (Boston, USA), Y.K. Semertzidis (BNL, USA), Y. Kuno (Osaka, Japan)
[pdf file (832Kbytes)]
- L23:
Lefetime Measurement of
π+π- and
π+-K-+ atoms
to test low energy QCD
Contact person: L. Nemenov (JINR, Russia)
[pdf file (178Kbytes)]
- L24:
The PRISM Project -- A Muon Source of the World-Highest
Brightness by Phase Rotation --
Contact persons: Y. Mori, K. Yoshimura (KEK, Japan), N. Sasao (Kyoto, Japan), Y. Kuno (Osaka, Japan)
[pdf file (8.51Mbytes)]
- L25:
An Experimental Search for the
Conversion Process
at an Ultimate Sensitivity of the Order of 10-18
with PRISM
Contact persons: Y. Mori, K. Yoshimura (KEK, Japan), N. Sasao (Kyoto, Japan), Y. Kuno (Osaka, Japan)
[pdf file (1.81Mbytes)]
- L26:
Request for A Pulsed Proton Beam Facility at J-PARC
Contact persons: Y. Kuno (Osaka, Japan), R.S. Hayano (U. Tokyo, Japan)
[pdf file (2.02Mbytes)]
- L27:
A Study of a Neutrino Factory in Japan (Nufact-J)
Contact persons: Y. Mori (KEK, Japan), Y. Kuno (Osaka, Japan)
[pdf file (4.05Mbytes)]
- L28:
A hadron spectroscopy experiment with RF-separated high energy
K+- beam at JHF
Contact persons: V. Obraztsov (IHEP, Russia), T. Tsuru (KEK, Japan)
[pdf file (83.0Kbytes)]
- L29:
A branch of Laboratory of Nuclear Studies of Osaka University (OULNS) at J-PARC
Contact person: T. Kishimoto (Osaka, Japan)
[pdf file (16.2Kbytes)]
- L30:
Studies of a Target System for a 4-MW, 50-GeV Proton Beam
Contact persons: K. McDonald (Princeton, USA), H. Kirk (BNL, USA), K. Yoshimura (KEK, Japan) Y. Kuno (Osaka, Japan)
[pdf file (1.90Mbytes)]
Call for Letters of Intent (July 1, 2002)
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maintained by
Takeshi K. Komatsubara (KEK-IPNS)
Since February 2003; updated on 2004-November-02(Tue)