Global Infomation
The data analysis is normally done at because all experimental data are stocked in
The data directory of the cosmic test during the CsI stacking is
/hpss/ps/klea/experiment/daqtest/csi_stackingThis is my setting in order to use e391 library at
#! #! E391 #! if ( ! $?E391_HOME ) setenv E391_HOME /dfs/g/ps/klea/e391 if ( ! $?E391_LEVEL ) setenv E391_LEVEL pro source ${E391_HOME}/local/etc/cshrc_e391 setenv ROOTSYS ${CERN}/root setenv MN_FIT ${CERN}/mn_fit setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${CERN}/${CERN_LEVEL}/lib/so:${CERN}/${CERN_LEVEL}/lib:${ROOTSYS}/lib
get sampleana2
Plese finish the preparation in order to use E391 library.
make work directory and set MY_TOP_DIR
li01i% mkdir -p /your_work/e391
li01i% setenv MY_TOP_DIR /your_work/e391 (for csh, tcsh)
li01i% source ${E391_HOME}/local/etc/cshrc_e391
li01i% cd $MY_TOP_DIR
li01i% make src
li01i% cd src
li01i% get_packages skeleton
li01i% get_packages sampleana2
li01i% ls -l
total 4.0K -rw-r--r-- 1 kensh ps_klea 416 Aug 14 03:13 Makefile -rw-rw-r-- 1 kensh ps_klea 11 Aug 14 03:13 PACKAGES drwxrwxr-x 2 kensh ps_klea 320 Aug 14 03:13 config drwxr-xr-x 3 kensh ps_klea 320 Aug 14 03:13 sampleana2 drwxr-xr-x 4 kensh ps_klea 352 Aug 14 03:13 skeletonLet's make sampleana2 for first check.
li01i% gmake
making ....
li01i% ls -l ../
total 5.0K drwxrwxr-x 2 kensh ps_klea 256 Aug 12 11:04 bin drwxrwxr-x 2 kensh ps_klea 256 Aug 12 11:04 include drwxrwxr-x 3 kensh ps_klea 288 Aug 12 11:04 lib drwxrwxr-x 2 kensh ps_klea 256 Aug 12 11:04 share drwxrwxr-x 5 kensh ps_klea 480 Aug 14 03:13 srcli01i% ls -l ../bin
total 18M -rwxr-xr-x 1 kensh ps_klea 17M Aug 14 04:33 myana
The sampleana2 package is a sample code to analyze the experimental data. This program read experimental data files (e.g. build00022.mid etc...) and call user routine, user_init(), user_begin_of_run(), user_process_event(), user_end_of_run() and user_term(). Each user routine is defined :
where "runnum" is the run number, "spillnum" is the spill number and "eventnum" is the event number. These user routine is written in the file, sampleana2/src/ . You can modify this file to your analysis. The main routine is written in the file , sampleana2/src/, but it is not necessary to modify this file if there is no special reason.user_init() --- called in the start point of the program user_begin_of_run( int runnum ) --- called in the begin of run user_process_event( int runnum, int spillrum, int eventnum ) --- called in event by event user_end_of_run( int runnum ) --- called in the end of run user_term() --- called in the end point of the programmodify user routines
- user_init()
This routine called in the start point of the program. You can define HBOOK(ntuple and histgram) using the TupleManager which is one of the utility of the e391 library. For example, in order to define one ntuple (RWN) ...
// Histogram definition ntEvent = otuple.ntupleR( 1,"Event Data", "runno spill evtno trig " "adc0 adc1 adc2 adc3 adc8 adc9 " "tdc0 tdc1 tdc2 tdc3 tdc8 tdc9 " );In this declaration, one ntuple where ID is 1, NAME is "Event Data" and CONTENTS are "runno spill evtno trig adc0 adc1 ... tdc0 tdc1 ... tdc9". This is a sample result made by this declaration.******************************************************** * NTUPLE ID= 1 ENTRIES= 939 Event Data ******************************************************** * Var numb * Name * Lower * Upper * ******************************************************** * 1 * runno * 0.670000E+02 * 0.670000E+02 * * 2 * spill * 0.300000E+01 * 0.630000E+02 * * 3 * evtno * 0.100000E+01 * 0.240000E+02 * * 4 * trig * 0.200000E+01 * 0.500000E+01 * * 5 * adc0 * 0.247000E+03 * 0.289600E+04 * * 6 * adc1 * 0.236000E+03 * 0.666580E+05 * * 7 * adc2 * 0.253000E+03 * 0.665450E+05 * * 8 * adc3 * 0.199000E+03 * 0.670270E+05 * * 9 * adc8 * 0.374000E+03 * 0.990000E+03 * * 10 * adc9 * 0.350000E+03 * 0.665780E+05 * * 11 * tdc0 * -.100000E+01 * -.100000E+01 * * 12 * tdc1 * -.100000E+01 * -.100000E+01 * * 13 * tdc2 * -.100000E+01 * -.100000E+01 * * 14 * tdc3 * -.100000E+01 * -.100000E+01 * * 15 * tdc8 * -.100000E+01 * -.100000E+01 * * 16 * tdc9 * -.100000E+01 * -.100000E+01 * ********************************************************- user_begin_of_run( int runnum )
If you want to do something when a run begin, your code should be written here.
- user_process_event( int runnum, int spillnum, int eventnum )
In the sampleana2, you can get the experimental data as a C++ class "e391det" which is type of class E391Detector. This class has many useful member functions which is described in the header file, ${E391_TOP_DIR}/src/util/E391Detector/E391Detector/E391Detector.h .
For example, you can get the ADC value and TDC valueof the CsI #0 as like
int adc = e391det.CsI(0).adc(); int tdc = e391det.CsI(0).tdc();This routine called in event by event, so that you should write your analysis code for one event in here. For example, to fill data to ntuple.
ntEvent->fill( "runno", run_number ); ntEvent->fill( "spill", spill_number ); ntEvent->fill( "evtno", event_number ); ntEvent->fill( "trig", trig ); ntEvent->fill( "adc0", e391det.CsI(0).adc() ); ntEvent->fill( "adc1", e391det.CsI(1).adc() ); ntEvent->fill( "adc2", e391det.CsI(2).adc() ); ntEvent->fill( "adc3", e391det.CsI(3).adc() ); ntEvent->fill( "adc8", e391det.CsI(8).adc() ); ntEvent->fill( "adc9", e391det.CsI(9).adc() ); ntEvent->fill( "tdc0", e391det.CsI(0).tdc() ); ntEvent->fill( "tdc1", e391det.CsI(1).tdc() ); ntEvent->fill( "tdc2", e391det.CsI(2).tdc() ); ntEvent->fill( "tdc3", e391det.CsI(3).tdc() ); ntEvent->fill( "tdc8", e391det.CsI(8).tdc() ); ntEvent->fill( "tdc9", e391det.CsI(9).tdc() ); ntEvent->dump(); ntEvent->clear();
- user_end_of_run( int runnum )
If you want to do something when a run finish, your code should be written here.
- user_term()
If you want to do something when program finish, your code should be written here.