- About E391a library and packge system [Aug/14/2002]
- How to use E391 library [Aug/14/2002]
- Useful package list [Aug/14/2002]
- How to use sampleana2 (sample analyzer for experimental data) [Aug/14/2002]
About E391a library and package system
The E391a library is very useful library for our experiment. This library contains many routines for our simulation, DAQ and some utilities.
These softwares belong to "package" directory based tree structure. We can treat each software as this package. The package has the following directories and files under the package directory :
Example : skeleton ("skeleton" is package name) skeleton/ --- (top) package directory skeleton/Makefile --- make file in the package directory (for compile this package) skeleton/skeleton --- header directory skeleton/skeleton/userinc.h --- header file skeleton/src --- source directory skeleton/src/Makefile --- make file in the src directory (for compile source files in the src directory) skeleton/src/usermain.cc --- source file skeleton/src/userlib.cc --- source fileTo use this system, you can make easily all software with same rules. All software in the e391 library belong to this package system.
How to use E391 library
In order to use e391 library, please set some enviroment at your computer system. Please carry out this command.
kl-3% source /e391/local/etc/cshrc_e391 (for csh, tcsh)After the enviroment setting, you should prepare your working directory. In the package system, this working directory call MY_TOP_DIR. The name of MY_TOP_DIR should be terminated by "e391", for example,
MY_TOP_DIR = /work/your_name/e391Therefore, please make your directory like this example and set enviroment MY_TOP_DIR.Last command need to set again some enviroment which using e391 library.kl-3% mkdir -p /work/your_name/e391
kl-3% setenv MY_TOP_DIR /work/your_name/e391 (for csh, tcsh)
kl-3% source /e391/local/etc/cshrc_e391
Before you develop your new program or modify some packages in e391 library, you should prepare src directory in the MY_TOP_DIR. Then you can get each package in e391 library. For development your new program, it is very useful to get "skeleton" package.
You can see more detail about get_packges command in here.kl-3% cd $MY_TOP_DIR
kl-3% make src
kl-3% cd src
kl-3% get_packages skeleton
kl-3% ls -l
total 3.0K -rw-r--r-- 1 kensh users 416 Aug 12 11:04 Makefile -rw-rw-r-- 1 kensh users 0 Aug 12 11:04 PACKAGES drwxrwxr-x 2 kensh users 320 Aug 12 11:04 config drwxr-xr-x 4 kensh users 352 Aug 12 11:04 skeleton
Useful package list (newer than version e20020812_2219)
(package name) (distribution) skeleton --- skeleton gsim-run --- run script for gsim gsimana --- sample analyzer code for gsim sampleana --- sample analyzer code for experimental data sampleana2 --- sample analyzer code for experimental data barreleveto --- GEANT3 based simulator for the Barrel Veto gsim-e391a --- GEANT3 based full detector simulation gsim-general --- GEANT3 based full detector simulation (base code)How to use sampleana2 (sample analyzer for experimental data)
Let's see here ...