updated on 2007-July-10(Tue) 16:00
Agenda of the 3rd J-PARC PAC meeting
Fri 06 - Sat 07 July, 2007
Friday 06 July 2007
Startup Closed Session (09:00-09:15)
- 09:00 Welcome
F. Takasaki (KEK)
Open Presentations 1 (09:15-12:15)
- 09:15 J-PARC Overview
S. Nagamiya (KEK)
[ppt/pdf file]
- 10:00 --- Coffee Break ---
- 10:30 E11 (T2K) Status Report
- T2K - Overall
D. Wark (IC London)
[ppt/pdf file]
- beam line status
T. Kobayashi (KEK)
[pdf file]
- ND280 status
T. Nakaya (Kyoto)
[pdf file]
- 11:30 E06 (T-violation) Status Report
J. Imazato (KEK)
[ppt/pdf file]
Open Presentations 2 (13:30-17:00)
- 13:30 Status of K0/K0.8 beamlines
K. Tanaka (KEK)
[ppt/pdf file]
- 14:10 E14 (K0) Status Report
T. Yamanaka (Osaka)
[pdf file]
- 14:50 --- Tea Break ---
- 15:20 SKS Status Report
T. Nagae (Kyoto)
[ppt/pdf file]
- 16:00 P04: Measurement of High-Mass Dimuon Production at the 50=GeV Proton Synchrotron
J.C. Peng (Illinois)
[ppt/pdf file]
- 16:30 T2K 2km detector LOI
T. Kajita (ICRR Tokyo)
[pdf file]
Closed Session (17:00-18:00)
Saturday 07 July 2007
Open Presentations 3 (09:00-10:00)
- 09:00 FIFC Report on E03, E06, E10, E14 experiments and the K0, K0.8 beam lines
J. Haba (KEK)
[ppt/pdf file]
Closed Session (10:00-13:00)
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